Two former U.S. Army Green Berets have developed a new and innovative solution to address the myriad of problems associated with Electric Vehicles including single cell failure, slow reenergizing, defects, and cost - oh and along the way it just might democratize energy for the developing world and beyond. Imagine an electric vehicle that costs thousands of dollars less than those currently available and reenergizes in five minutes, just like filling a tank of gas.
Their first patent was issued July 16, 2019:
U.S. Patent Number 10355254
Prior to co-founding OCoil, Dan worked for the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, U.S. Capitol and industry. At the Naval Surface Warfare Center at White Oak, he was the original workstation designer for what is now called the Common Display System (CDS). For the Naval Explosive Ordnance Technology Division (NAVEODTECHDIV), he ran the Combined Explosive Exploitation Cell, Engineering Lab, Afghanistan, for two tours earning a Joint Civilian Commendation. In chip design, he developed NeuronMOS transistor chips for artificial intelligence at Nippon Telegraph and Telephone and worked on the Alpha 21164PC team at Digital Semiconductor. For the past 13 years he has spearheaded Radio Frequency (RF) design and applications in technical surveillance and security.
Dan has deep technical expertise related to batteries and power systems including electro-chemistry, physical chemistry, polymers, heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics and materials as well as problem solving and process design. This includes long-term, fault-tolerant systems for undersea use.
Dan studied engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) prior to joining the research team in the VLSI Design Automation Lab at the University of Maryland. He has degrees in Chemical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. From 2002 to 2007, Dan served on an Operational Detachment Alpha in the U.S. Army Special Forces.
Prior to co-founding OCoil, Andrew served on an Operational Detachment Alpha in the U.S. Army Special Forces. He served as a Medic in support of OIF and OEF-TS, coordinating MEDCAPS, training host country military, and supporting diplomatic negotiations between local governments and tribes. He was critically injured on his last deployment in Mali Africa and not expected to survive. Going through long-term recovery, Andrew drew on his medical background to work with his doctors in testing experimental therapies and technologies in pursuit of physical rehabilitation. He has also been invited to share his experience in recovery with allied military leaders.
Andrew grew up traveling around the world with his physicist and diplomat parents, learning to question and seek answers to environmental, political and existential questions with a global perspective. His well-rounded and methodical diagnostic abilities enable him to see overlooked angles to problems and solutions. His time spent overseas, where he witnessed the negative impact of energy insecurity firsthand, coupled with his unique exposure to breakthrough medical technologies, many that require consistent access to power sources, sparked a deep personal interest in identifying practical, scalable solutions to renewable energy challenges.
Andrew studied biology and philosophy at George Mason University, and played professional soccer prior to joining the U.S. Army Special Forces after 9/11. He is a medically retired veteran.